
以下策略适用于站点内的用户 sjny.edu domain and is intended to explain what types of information are gathered from users and how that information is used.

澳门足彩app致力于尊重您的隐私. 作为一个未注册的用户,你可以访问大多数网站 sjny.edu domain without inputting, revealing or leaving any personal information, whether known or otherwise. 我们不会收集您的任何个人信息, 除非你自愿提供这些信息. 您提供的任何个人信息仅供澳门足彩app管理大学事务. 澳门足彩app不卖, 租金, 贷款, 交易或出租自愿在本网站提供的个人信息.

就本政策而言, ''personal information'' means any information concerning a natural person which, 因为名字, 数量, 象征, 标记或其他标识符, 可以用来识别那个人吗.

对于内部社区: 保护您的隐私,防止未经授权的使用, 请将您的身份证和密码妥善保管. 同样,当你使用澳门足彩app的系统从一个公共工作站, be sure to log out and close all browser windows before you leave the workstation.


我们保留了所有进入澳门皇冠app Web servers and also monitor network traffic for purposes of site and network management and security. We use this information to diagnose problems with our servers and to carry out other administrative tasks. We also use log analysis tools for such purposes as creating summary statistics to determine which information is of most interest to users, 识别系统问题区域, 确定技术要求. 这些文件通常收集以下信息:

  • the Internet Protocol address and domain name of your Internet Service Provider and/or computer, 如果您的计算机有一个直接分配给它的IP地址
  • 您使用的浏览器和操作系统类型
  • 你去任何澳门皇冠app服务器
  • 您从我们的网络访问的网页或服务,以及
  • the Web page from which you accessed our Web server and from which any page on this site was linked

None of the foregoing information is deemed to constitute personal information by the New York State Internet Privacy and 安全 Act.


If you voluntarily send us an email, we collect your email address and the contents of your message. We will use your email address and the information included in your message to respond to you, 解决你发现的问题, 并改进这个网站. We may also use your email address to notify you about services, events or activities offered by 澳门足彩app. 如果您不希望收到来自St的电子邮件或其他通信. 请联系约瑟夫大学的网站管理员.

If you complete a transaction such as an online application or an information request form, 我们会收集这些信息, 包括你在交易中自愿提供的个人信息. We will use this information only for the purposes for which the transaction was intended.

We may redirect your message or information you provided through an online transaction to a 澳门足彩app office other than the one which originally received the message or information, 以便更好地响应您的请求.

The information we collect is not limited to text characters and may include audio, 信息或交易中包含的视频和图形信息格式.

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. 你要小心, 然而, that we will treat personal information submitted in an email as though it was submitted by an adult, 可能是这样, 除非联邦或州法律允许, 对公众开放.


We may collect or disclose personal information without your consent if the collection or disclosure is: necessary to perform 澳门足彩app statutory duties or necessary to operate a program authorized by law, or authorized by state or federal statute or regulation; made pursuant to a court order or by law; for the purpose of validating your identity; or of information to be used solely for statistical purposes that is in the form that cannot be used to identify any particular person.

进一步, 信息披露, 包括个人信息, 通过本网站收集的资料受美国法律的规定约束.S. 家庭教育权利 & 隐私法(FERPA)和纽约州信息自由法.

We may also disclose personal information to federal or state law enforcement authorities to enforce 澳门足彩app's rights against unauthorized access or attempted unauthorized access of 澳门足彩app信息技术资产.


你可以向澳门皇冠app webmaster to determine whether personal information pertaining to you has been collected through this web site. Your request must be in made in writing and must be accompanied by reasonable proof of your identity. 合理的身份证明可包括核实签名, 包含通常只有您知道的标识符, 或类似的适当标识. 查阅纪录主任的地址如下:


Web管理器将, 在收到适当的要求后七天内, provide access to the personal information; deny access in writing, explaining the reasons therefore; or acknowledge the receipt of the request in writing, 说明批准或拒绝申请的大致日期, which date shall not be more than thirty days from the date of the acknowledgment.

如果我们已经收集了您的个人信息. 约瑟夫大学 web server and that information is to be provided to you pursuant to your request, the Web Manager will inform you of your right to request that the personal information be amended or corrected under the procedures set forth in Section 95 of the Public Officers Law.


我们限制员工访问通过St . net收集的个人信息. 约瑟夫大学 web servers to only those employees who need access to the information in the performance of their official duties. Employees who have access to this information follow appropriate procedures in connection with any disclosures of personal information.

此外,我们已实施程序,以保障澳门皇冠app网络服务器信息技术资产, 包括, 但不限于, 身份验证, 授权, 监控, 审计, 和加密. 这些安全程序已纳入设计, 实现, 以及sjny的日常运营.edu as part of our continuing commitment to the security of electronic content as well as the electronic transmission of information.

为安全起见,并维持澳门足彩app所有用户的网络服务器, we employ software to monitor traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise damage our web sites.


澳门足彩app websites contain links to, and may be linked from, sites outside of 澳门足彩app. We are not responsible for the privacy practices, terms of use, or the content of such websites. 链接到外部网站从澳门足彩app does not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of such web site or its content.


我们可能会根据需要更改此政策而不另行通知. The information provided in this privacy policy should not be construed as giving business, 法律或其他建议, 或保证作为故障证明, 通过St .提供的信息的安全性. 约瑟夫大学的网站.


有关本隐私政策的问题,请联系: (电子邮件保护).

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